Replenish at Work™ 

Holistic Nurse Coaching & Mentoring
with Cathy Alvarez

Hi I’m Cathy.

Thank you for taking some time to connect with me.

In 2001 I started my career as a cardiac nurse at one of the largest hospitals in the tri-state area. Stress, and emotional and physical exhaustion started to ensue early on, which resulted in severe burnout only a few years into my career. I debated leaving the profession but rediscovered myself through the specialty of Holistic Nursing.  Practicing moments of mindfulness and self-care became a new focus. For the first time in my life, I was taking care of myself, without the guilt that usually goes along with it! I realized eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom were not self-care practices but BASIC HUMAN NEEDS, and started to make sure I was meeting them throughout the busiest of days. My personal and professional life were transformed, and I could not wait to share with others. I became a nurse manager and for six years strived to promote well-being among my staff before realizing my drive to help others would be better served in a nursing education role.

Working as a education specialist, owing a business, and being a mom to two busy boys, I recognize the need to pause, reflect, and engage in self-care to better care for my family. I cannot pour from an empty cup! Meditation, yoga, and journaling are my go-to practices that help me navigate the flow of life. However, there are often days my schedule does not afford me the time to fully engage in these practices. Sound familiar?

I know firsthand how difficult it may be to take time for you. Self-care shouldn’t be stressful or an added burden to your day. I believe we can refuel and replenish ourselves in under 10-minutes. It does not take a lot of time. Rather clarity and intention! YOU know what you need to be well.

Using elements of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and self-compassion I hope to empower you to slow down, listen to what is calling or in need of restoration, and engage in short Micro-Restorative practices that are purposeful, meaningful, and intentional to YOU. This individualized approach to well-being is vastly different from most hospital-based programs that you may not have time to engage in or that do not meet your unique needs.

If you are reading this I’m sure you are probably working short staffed, with sick patients, and limited resources. The last thing you may be thinking about during the day is caring for yourself, or going off the unit to practice yoga. You are not alone. I’ve been there. If you are tired of giving everything to everyone and often feel utterly exhausted, I hear you and am here to help. I don't claim to have all the answers but hope to guide you to reconnect with yourself and find what is calling YOU. I know from experience, the most important way to provide compassionate care for others is to begin by first responding to our own needs.

Let’s work together to find a slower cadence and identify meaningful practices that can be done during even the busiest of days because I know that when we care for ourselves, we show up more authentically to care for others.